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音像资料 audio-video materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 03:19:59


音像资料 audio-video materials英语短句 例句大全

音像资料,audio-video materials

1)audio-video materials音像资料

1.Research onaudio-video materials management system in colleges and universities;高校音像资料管理系统的研究

2.It can catalogueaudio-video materials with the metadata;configure the system module with the association of the computer software.本系统从高校的实际需要出发,采用规范的元数据标准对资料进行著录,利用先进的计算机软件技术构建系统模块,对数字资料提供面向内容的管理,系统提供对音像资料的检索、浏览、转码和资料定制等多种功能,方便教师和学生使用音像资料。


1.Audio-Video Data Duilding and Sharing together in Internet;在网络环境下音像资料的共建和共享

2.Audio-visual Aids in Primary School English Classroom Teaching;运用音像资料,促进小学英语课堂教学

3.Application Design of ADO Technology in Audio-Video Data Manage Program;ADO技术在音像资料管理程序中的应用

4.Discussion on the Function of Audio-video material Used in Teaching in Music Colleges浅谈音像资料在音乐院校教学工作中的作用

5.The Audiovisual Materials Publishing Market Effects on the Library Acquisition Work;论音像出版业的市场化运作对音像资料采访工作的影响

6.The [email protected] esplanade is located on the third floor of the building.三楼是图书馆,专门出借艺术类图书和音像资料。

7.Management of Audio-Visual Materials and the Design of Online Language Learning Platform;基于音像资料管理的外语在线学习平台设计

8.The Cataloging,Classification and Processing of the Public Library"s Audio-visual Materials公共图书馆音像资料的著录、分类与加工

9.The catalogue of the audio-visual materials recorded upon approval shall be submitted regularly for the records to the departments of radio and television, public security and state security in the locality where the unit is situated.经批准录制的音像资料目录,必须定期报所在地的广播电视、公安和国家安全部门备案。

10.By using the computer medium with some audio and image documents, the best teaching result will be obtained.全部采用多媒体教学,适当穿插一些音像资料,以达到最佳的教学效果。

11.A book called Olympic Readings and many electronic audio and visual materials on the Olympics will be produced and handed out to all students.编制适合青少年特点的《奥林匹克读本》和电子音像资料,配备到全市所有中小学校;

12.How to play a further role in the synchronization of audio and video recording--I suggest that use of audio and video recording of statements in lieu of the transcript如何进一步发挥全程同步录音录像的作用——用录音录像资料代替笔录固定口供的建议

13."When investigating a tax case in violation of the law, the tax authorities may record, tape-record, video-tape, photograph and reproduce the relevant circumstances and information in respect of the case."税务机关调查税务违法案件时,对与案件有关的情况和资料,可以记录、录音、录像、照像和复制。

14.Reference and Sound Archives Unit参考资料和录音档案股

15.It is necessary to strengthen the examination, approval and administration referring to the joint ventures which manufacture and distribute the processing products of brand-name audio-visual materials imported or supplied by clients abroad.要加强对来料、进料定牌加工和合资制作、发行国外音像制品的审批及管理工作。

16.video shops, libraries录像带商店、 资料室.

17.Preservation Techniques of Photographic Data of Cultural Relics文物影像资料保护技术

18.On the Value of Audio Materials for theTraining of Musicians;论音响资料对培养音乐人才的重要性


audiovisual materials音像资料

1.The publication ofaudiovisual materials has entered a matured period, the interactions between its market needs and publication,such as quantity and quality,has evident influence on library s acquisition work.提高音像资料的采访质量必须对馆藏特色、服务目标、服务对象、经费情况、出版发行等方面情况进行综合分析和判断,从而建立一个合理、科学、有特色的馆藏资源体系。

bined with the actual working experience of the author, this paper concisely illustrates the resources development, utilization and management ofaudiovisual materials in institutions of higher learning as well as the solutions to the existing problems.本文结合作者切实工作体会,简要的阐述了高校图书馆音像资料工作的资源开发、利用、管理以及存在的问题和对策,并对以后音像资料工作的发展趋势做了初步的分析与预测。

3)audiovisual material音像资料

1.The development of science and technology has provided necessary conditions for the all-round development and effective use of theaudiovisual materials available at college.科技的发展给高校外语音像资料的整理开发和有效利用提供了必要的条件,外语音像资料的数字化和网络化可以改变人们对外语资料的认识,可以有效地配合英语教师舜口学生的教学与学习。

4)audiovisual data bank音像资料库

1.This paper analyzes the present situation of the construction ofaudiovisual data bank in the library of musical college,and points out that the library must improve the quality of the service for readers effectively,pay attention to the collection construction of the library,improve the professional quality of the librarians,and strengthen the management and service of theaudiovisual data bank.分析了音乐院校图书馆音像资料库建设的现状,指出要有效提高读者服务质量,必须注重馆藏建设,提高管理人员的专业素质,加强音像资料库的管理与服务。

5)Audio-Visual Stock Library音像资料馆

6)digitalization of sound and video data音像资料数字化

1.This article makes the first period construction program ofdigitalization of sound and video data in medical libraries,combined with existing resource of library in Shanxi Medical University.本文结合山西医科大学图书馆的现有资源,初步构建了医学图书馆音像资料数字化的一期建设方案,详细分析了医学图书馆音像资料数字化的系统要求、整体流程和主要组件,力图为医学音像资料数字化建设寻求一条可行的、完善的建设方案。


