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质料 Material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-04 16:20:50


质料 Material英语短句 例句大全



1.Formal A Priori,orMaterial A Priori:On Scheler s Critique of Kant s Concept of the A Priori;形式先天,或质料先天——论舍勒对康德“先天”概念的批评

2.The prime task is to get over the meanings of Aristotle’s material category.质料是亚里士多德哲学的核心范畴,弄清它的含义,是我们研究亚里士多德质料学说的首要任务。

3.Aristotle generalized the domain of philosophic material , and he himself applied the dialectics of generality and individuality, abstraction and concretization.亚里士多德所说的“质料”是万物的基质,无性状,是客现存在。


1.This plastic is inferior in quality to glass.这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。

2.A substance, such as a dye, pigment, or paint, that imparts a hue.颜料一种物质,诸如染料、色料或油彩

3.high alumina and fire clay plastic refractories高铝质和粘土质塑料耐火材料

4.any alcoholic beverage of inferior quality.任何质量差的酒精饮料。

5.glass, wooden and plastic objects玻璃、 木质和塑料的物体

6.dielectric materials for microwave resonator微波谐振器介质材料

7.very light aggregate concrete特殊轻质骨料混凝土

8.dolomite refractory白云石质 耐火材料

9.dry-matter digestibility of a feed饲料干物质表观消化率

10.The cleaners are made from good quality material.地板擦由优质材料制成,

11.thermal insulation material made of rigid urethane foam硬质氨酯泡沫保温材料

12.We sell the best materials.我们出售优质布料.

13.The cloth is fine in texture.这种布料质地精良。

14.dolomite magnesite refractory白云石 镁质 耐火材料

15.magnesite dolomite refractory镁质白云石耐火材料

16.I "d like something of good quality .我希望质地好的衣料。

17.inorganic aggregates for use in gypsum plaster石膏陶瓷用无机质骨料

18.Hazardous Substances/Toxic Wastes危险物质/含毒废料组



1.The relation about the form and thematerials is the basic of the Aristoteles metaphysical philosophy.形式质料关系是亚里士多德传统形而上学的基本理论模式;形式质料关系是康德为未来形而上学奠基的基本思维模式;亚里士多德传统形而上学中的形式质料关系和康德哲学中的形式质料关系基本相同;形而上学如此"钟爱"形式质料关系是因其虽简单但蕴涵着大量的人类思想信息,并具有可变通性,因而能够高效率地表达人类文明;深刻认识形式质料的关系,有利于较便捷地了解形而上学和西方文明。

2.Thematerials for the construction of the core value system can be drawn from various resources,the main of which include Marxism for the foundation of the system,ancient China s harmonious.社会主义核心价值体系构建质料也是多方面的,主要是:马克思主义是构建社会主义核心价值体系的基础;中国古代传统的和谐思想是我国社会主义核心价值体系的基因;西方社会的先进思潮和方法可以为构建社会主义核心价值体系提供方法借鉴;世界优秀文化的交流共生可以为构建社会主义核心价值体系提供良好环境;构建社会主义核心价值体系要在和谐的文化氛围中进行。

3)geological data地质资料

1.How to cleanup currentgeological data;如何做好当前地质资料专项清理工作

2.The problems and suggestions in collection and delivering ofgeological data;浅谈地质资料汇交中存在的问题及改进意见

3.Thegeological data management of Jilin province within “the tenth five years national economic construction plan”;“十五”期间吉林省的地质资料管理

4)carbonaceous material碳质材料

1.The effects of differentcarbonaceous materials(graphite and active carbon) and different carbonate (MnCO3 and Li2CO3) on the melting rate of a similar low carbon mold flux(w(C)=3.分别测定研究了在空气和氩气条件下,不同碳质材料(石墨和活性炭)及不同碳酸盐(MnCO3和Li2CO3)对同一种低碳(w(C)=3。

5)geologic data地质资料

1.The thinking on the "service realm and way"of providing forgeologic data in the new situation;新形势下对地质资料服务领域和方式的若干思考

2.A preliminary study on the redevelopment and utilization ofgeologic data information resources;浅谈地质资料信息资源的二次开发与利用

3.A change ingeologic data storage mode—A preliminary study ongeologic data disc storage working;地质资料存储方式的转变——浅谈地质资料光盘存储工作

6)Sand coating砂质涂料


质料zhìliào[material] 质地与用料质料考究
