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物质 material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-27 12:14:43


物质 material英语短句 例句大全



1.Changes of Material and Energy in Eggs of Lacertid Lizards,Eremias brenchleyiDuring Incubation at Mount Qianshan,Anhui;安徽乾山山地麻蜥卵孵化过程中物质和能量的变化

2.To Construct Philosophical Categories with Law of Universal Relations——A new nature limitation ofmaterial,ideology and human beings;用普遍联系建构哲学理论诸范畴——关于物质、精神、人的本质内涵的新界定

3.Non-material Culture Legacy versus "Material":A Case in Folk Legend;非物质文化遗产与“物质”的关系——以民间传说为例


1.a substance that oxidizes another substance.氧化其他物质的物质。

2.matter antimatter phase transition物质 反物质的相变

3.matter-antimatter cosmology物质-反物质宇宙论

4.A substance that adulterates.掺杂物掺有杂质的物质

5.lacking in mineral content or combustible material.没有矿物质和易燃物质。

6.Of, relating to, or composed of matter.物质的物质的,关于物质的,由物质组成的

7.A substance having a sour taste.酸味物质,酸性物质有酸味的物质

8.The state or quality of being immaterial.非物质性非物质的状态或性质

9.To change(one substance) into another; transmute.变质将(一种物质)变为另一种物质

10.Conversion of one substance into another.变质从一种物质向另一种物质的转化

11.A substance donates protons to some other substance.一物质向其他物质提供质子。

12.The star indicates a property of a pure substance or a collection of pure substances.星号表示纯物质或纯物质集合的性质。

13.dangerous substance [water quality objective]危险物质〔水质指标〕

14.fibric soil material纤维质有机土壤物质

15.determine the presence or properties of (a substance).测定物质的存在或性质。

16.Mercury is a fluid substance.水银是流体物质 [流质] 。

17.augmented physical quality of life index物质生活质量强化指数

18.(i) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;(1)涉及可裂变物质或从可裂变物质衍生的物质;



1.Resonace absorption research ofmatterto rays and its prospect of application;物质对射线的共振吸收研究及其应用前景

2.Characteristics ofmatter and energy of some Casuarinaceae species in Dongshan County, Fujian Province;福建东山几种木麻黄的物质与能量特征

3.The scientific view ofmatter and practice;论科学的物质观和实践观——兼与王之波同志商榷


1.The method of LCIA of product system based on substance and energy;基于物质和能量的产品LC IA指标方法研究

2.A case in point is the definition that qi is a substance.用现代的思维方式去理解中国古代的概念 ,难免会出现偏差 ,将“气”定义为物质就是一典型范例。

4)the pledged property质物

1.On the basis of the legal analysis on policy loan, we think all the life or non- life policies which have deposit or cash value can be pledged, andthe pledged property should only be the surrender value or cash value,not including the right to insurance claims.保单质押后,投保人、贷款人和保险人按照质押协议承担相应的权利和义务,同时,投保人在保险合同中享有的部分权利,当有可能减少或流失质物时,该项权利应被限制或冻结。

5)Material properties物质性质



