申请书范文网 > 联合国工发组织第十八届大会专题之——性别平等


时间:2023-08-12 08:13:50




性别平等可以促进产业和经济发展,减少贫困并提高整体福祉。如果女性在劳动力市场中扮演与男性相同的角色,那么到2025年,全球国内生产总值将增长25%以上!我们要做的是提高认识,积累知识并建立能力……那么,我们还等什么呢?工发组织边会:发布《 -性别战略》与包容性产业的未来

这一专题讨论尤其重要,在联合国妇女问题大会第六十四届会议上,为纪念《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》25周年而进行全球盘点工作, 其中包括评估《 2030年议程》所设想的在实施《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》、性别平等,以及增强妇女权能方面取得的进展。工发组织通过其对包容和可持续的工业发展的使命以及新的《性别平等和增强妇女权能战略》(至)实施,力求确保当前和未来的工业发展道路满足妇女和女童,以及男性和男童的需求,从而使他们能够以创新者,领导者和经济参与者的身份充分参与工业的未来。





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in promoting gender equality.

Investing in Women

It’s simple: gender equality boosts the industry and the economy, reduces poverty and increases the overall well-being. As such, the global gross domestic product could increase by more than 25 % by 2025 if women played the same role in the labour market as men! The only thing left to do israise awareness, generate knowledge and build capacity…So what are we waiting for?

Side-event: Launch of Gender Strategy -23 and the Future of Inclusive IndustryThe topic of this discussion is particularly relevant given the ongoing global process of stock-taking to mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) at the 64th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women of the United Nations, which includes appraisal of progress made in the implementation of the BPfA and gender equality and the empowerment of women as envisioned by the 2030 Agenda. Through its mandate on ISID, and the implementation of its new Strategy for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women ( – ), UNIDO seeks to ensure that present and future industrial development pathways will meet the needs of women and girls as well as men andboys, thereby enabling them to fully participate as innovators, leaders and economic actors in the future of industry.

The future of inclusive industry will depend largely on how the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) addresses current gender inequalities. 4IR’s disruptive force will bring about unique challenges due to high levels of automatization, but will also present unprecedented opportunities to promote inclusiveness and the empowerment of women. To harness the full potential of future industrial practices to promote gender equality, targeted gender-responsive actions, policies and investments are essential. Industrial policies and development programmes should shape, operationalize and define an inclusive industrial future by i.e. redressing the gender digital divide, particularly in engineering and in information and communications technology, and by promoting technology-driven, innovative solutions to systemic barriers faced by women and girls to lead, participate in and benefit from industrial development.

