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时间:2023-03-31 22:06:52




booming (economy) 例句 Four years ago, the country"s tourist industry was flourishing.四年前,这个国家的旅游业繁荣起来。The shopping mall, prosperous in business and convenient for shopping商业步行街,市面繁荣,购买方便。"Business in both urban and rural markets was brisk, and conditions of housing and transportation for residents were further improved."城乡市场繁荣,居民住、行条件进一步改善。With political stability, economic prosperity and the solidarity of people, our city wishes entrepreneurs at home and abroad to make investments here.本市政通人和,经济繁荣。欢迎海内外实业家前来投资。Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity.挫折因素,扼杀影响生长、失去希望和抱负或妨碍进步和繁荣的因素Today, after decades of good governance and struggle, Singapore is a thriving nation with the world"s fourth highest per capita income今天,经过三四十年的良好管理和奋斗,新加坡已经成为一个繁荣的国家,新加坡公民的人均国内生产总值在世界上排名第四位。Organize production, facilitate people"s life, link up internal and external areas and promote economic prosperity组织生产,方便生活,沟通内外,繁荣经济"Second, it came to China at the most opportune moment when China was in disunion at the end of the powerful and prosperous Han Dynasty. "其次,它适值最佳的时机步人中土,其时中国正处在强大繁荣的汉代末期天下大乱的时期。World trade, lifeb lood of the post-world war II global boom, has begun contracting.世界贸易本是第二次世界大战后全球经济繁荣的命根子,却已经开始萎缩。The market has cooled off, but the city is going to boom again市面变得萧条了,但这座城市将重新繁荣起来。
