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制作 making英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-20 09:28:37


制作 making英语短句 例句大全



1.The Making and Application of a Simple Absorbing Sampler in Deep Water.;简易吸水式深水采样器的制作与应用

2.Making and Application of Multimedia Courseware for Medical Microbiology;医学微生物学课件的制作与使用


1.To make a model of(a publication or page).制作样本,制作样张

2.Made delicately or elaborately.精制的制作精巧或精心制作的

3.the act of creating something by casting it in a mold.用模型制作物品的动作。

4.the act of making a film.制作电影的行为动作。

5.the act of making a record (especially an audio record).制作唱片的行为动作。

6.the activity of making portraits.制作肖像的行为动作。

7.To create or produce(a literary or musical piece).创作创作或制作(文学或音乐作品)

8.produce a movie; bring out a book; produce a new play.制作一部电影;制作一本书;制作一部新的戏剧。

9.The act of one that makes.制造制作某物的过程

10.fabricated metal products经加工制作的金属制品

11.button making machine for making wooden buttons用于木扣制作制扣机

12.To produce a master audio recording for.为…制作、灌制唱片原版带

13.fine woodwork done by a joiner.工匠制作的优质木制品。

14.create or manufacture a man-made product.制作或者加工人工制品。

15.Webpage Design with Special Effects for Frontpage 98;Frontpage98页面特效制作

16.The courseware made in Authorware;运用Authorware制作课件

17."broadcasting, television and/ or film studio"播音室、电视制作室及/或电影制作室

18.work on a rack, of materials such as leather.在架上工作例如制作皮革一样的制品。



1.The automatic pressing mould of Cemented Carbide Spherical Shape bits designmanufacture;硬质合金球齿自压模的设计与制作

2.The Manufacture and Management of Bow and Arrow in Qing Dynasty;清代满族弓箭的制作及管理

3.Themanufacture of new type of washing towelwith many functions;新型多功能洗涤巾的制作


1.CAI coursewareproduction of multimedia Chinese Pharmacology;中药学多媒体CAI课件的制作


1.Design andfabrication of simple hydraulic testing machine for bonding strength;简易手动液压胶接强度试验机的设计制作

2.Model design andfabrication of obturator framework retained by dental attachment for unilateral maxillary defect;附着体应用于单侧上颌骨缺损修复的模型设计与制作

3.Practice of the designable experiment onfabrication and performance test of rechargeable experimental battery;可充放模拟电池的制作及性能测试实验的开设


1.Themake and show of DEMO before the implement of ERP system;ERP系统实施DEMO的制作与演示

2.Strengthen the management of concrete samplemake in the field and execute strictly the procedure of concrete samplemake;加强对施工现场混凝土试块制作的管理 严格执行混凝土试块制作的程序


1.Thefacture points and equipped facilities of cultivation flat roof for the new-style-applied polyethylene (PE) tube net cage;实用新型的聚乙烯塑料管网箱养鱼平台制作要点与配套设施

2.It takes notes about the conceived plan offacture and the process of search f.记录了《宅·衣》创作前的设想、寻找兴趣点的过程以及对预想中画面的制作、效果的基本要求;对制作过程中出现的问题进行延展思考,分析了原因的造成、最终克服方式。

3.This article under the basic of definition and feature of online courseware,which is to explore design andfacture,management and evaluation,release and maintain of the main linkes etc.文章在论述了网络课件定义和特点的基础上,对网络课件的设计与制作、测试与评价、发布与维护等主要环节进行了探讨。


制作1.指礼乐等方面的典章制度。 2.制造;造作。 3.著述;创作。 4.样式。 5.方言。犹折磨。
