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人工用材林 commercial plantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-17 21:03:43


人工用材林 commercial plantation英语短句 例句大全

人工用材林,commercial plantation

1)commercial plantation人工用材林

1.Analyzing operation mode ofcommercial plantation between China and foreign countries,this paper points out shortage of operation mode in China,and puts forward that scale operation ofcommercial plantation is the trend.本文通过对国内外人工用材林经营方式进行分析,寻找我国人工用材林经营方式的不足,进而提出通过林工贸一体化实现产业间的协同效应,实现人工用材林由分户经营向规模化经营的转变,将成为我国人工用材林经营方式的发展趋势。

2.This paper, based on the research background of collective forests management with household-standard distribution principle, is intended to give a prudent analysis of necessity of scale business ofcommercial plantation in China’s collective forest lands.以我国集体林区林农分户经营为研究背景,对我国集体林区人工用材林规模化经营的必然性进行了研究。


1.Rough Estimate of Artificial Timber Forestland and Timber Value Volume of Jinba Forest Farm;金坝林场人工用材林地、林木价值量初步估算

2.Research on Necessity of Scale Business of Commercial Plantation In China’s Collective Forests;我国集体林区人工用材林规模化经营研究

3.Logging and Utilization Commercial Plantation Based on Dematerialization Principles of Industrial Ecology基于物质减量化原则的人工用材林采伐利用

4.Support Central Government"s target to increase plantations as fibre resource in China支持中央政府扩大人工用材林面积的目标

5.On the Long-Term Productivity Maintenance of Monoculture Olga Hay Larch Timber Forest in Northeastern China长白落叶松人工用材林长期生产力维持的研究

6.The Analysis on Ways of Realizing Scale Management on Timber Forest Plantation;中国人工用材林规模化经营实现途径分析

7.Some Thoughts on Reform of Plantation Cutting Management according to Area Quota in Southern Collective Forest Area;南方集体林区人工用材林按面积限额进行采伐管理的改革探索

8.Study on the Comprehensive Decision of Yielding Age of Short Rotation Timber Plantation短周期人工用材林合理采伐年龄综合决策的研究

9.Status of Artificial Timber Forest Constriction and Its Future Development;用材林人工造林的现状及今后的发展

10.Multi-objective Planning and Harvest Adjustment of Artificial Locust Timber人工刺槐用材林多目标规划收获调整

11.This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.这就是林业工人用以运送木材的空中索道。

12.The Application of the Relative Crown Length in the Standing Volume Measuring of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation;相对冠长在杉木人工林立木材积测定中的应用

13.Serviceability Evaluation of Butula Alnoides and Castanopsis Hystrix Plantation Wood Applied in Furniture and Decorative Utilization;西南桦、红椎人工林木材应用于家具与装饰材的适应性评价

14.Study on the Applicability of North America Visual Grading Rules for Dimension Lumber of Chinese Fir Plantation;北美规格材目测分等方法应用于人工林杉木规格材适应性研究

15.Study on Wood Color Improving Treatment of Plantation Eucalyptus Urophylla;人工林尾叶桉木材材色改良处理研究

16.Growing Stock on Forest Area Available for Wood Supply工业用材林的林木蓄积量情况

17.Study on the Timber Assortment Timber-Produced Rate Table of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Yangkou Forest Farm洋口林场杉木人工林材种出材率表的研究

18.The strategic shift of China wood industrial raw material and resource utilization of the planted fast-growing forest中国木材工业原料战略转移与人工速生林资源利用


Timber Plantation人工用材林

1.Study of Simulating Management of Timber Output ofTimber Plantation;人工用材林木材产量经营模拟研究

2.This paper summarized the development characteristics of tropical timber plantation in the world.在对速生丰产林、速生丰产用材林、工业人工林和人工用材林的概念进行辨析的基础上 ,总结了世界热带人工用材林发展的特点 ,综述了热带人工用材林在政策法规、种苗繁育、造林和经营技术、生产力和轮伐期、立地质量监测和评价、森林病虫害和生物多样性、木材材性和木材工业 7个方面的最新进展 ,最后提出了调整人工用材林发展政策 ;加强生产技术研究和产业带建设 ,提高公众参与程度 ;充分利用市场手段 ,鼓励多元投资主体 ,发展非公有制林业 3条建议以发展我国热带人工用材林产业。

3.Basing on the numerousexternal and internal literature materials of timber plantation development, itfirst summarizes the developing trend of thober plantation abroad and indomestic.本文是在占有大量国内外资料的基础上,以发展经济学为理论基 础,运用比较经济学的基本方法,对国内外人工用材林的发展做了比较 研究。


1.According to the characteristics ofplantation management in southern collective forest areas,this paper suggests thatplantation cutting be controlled and managed according to area quota.针对南方集体林区林权制度改革后人工用材林的经营特点,提出在南方集体林区实施按面积限额进行林木采伐控制管理,并在分析按面积限额进行采伐管理重要意义的基础上,进一步阐述了按面积限额进行采伐管理的实施办法和相应的配套措施。

2.Beforetime, people believe thatplantation income is lower.对福建省人工用材林的投资风险进行实证分析,得出结论:1993—2002年,福建省人工用材林自然灾害风险所造成的平均风险损失较低,这与木材税费下降和人工林优惠政策出台有关;然而,对私人而言,其森林一旦发生火灾或病虫害,将造成投资损失,因此,政府必须建立分散风险的制度。

4)Fast growing timber plantation速生人工用材林

5)Low-yielding timber plantation低产人工用材林

6)Poplar timber plantation杨树用材人工林


人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。
