申请书范文网 > 计算机产品选型与配置 高校校园网设备的选型和配置.DOC

计算机产品选型与配置 高校校园网设备的选型和配置.DOC

时间:2024-02-02 14:34:08


计算机产品选型与配置 高校校园网设备的选型和配置.DOC


基于Packet tracer的园区网络模拟

〔摘 要〕随着网络技术的发展和普及,高校校园网络的建设也面临着新的挑战,是高校向信息化发展的必然选择,高校校园网已经成为各高校发展的重要基础设施,是提高高校教学和发展水平不可缺少的支持环境,也是衡量高校学术水平的重要标志。各高校都在筹备建设校园网,希望通过校园网的建设,增加硬件的投入,改善办学条件,提高教学、科研和管理水平,提高办学质量。高校校园网的建设必须做到经济适用、技术先进、开放性能良好,投资强都合理、能长期和稳定运行的高性能的校园网络。现在大多数的校园网工程建设主要都是采用以太网技术来建设和管理的,以太网支持的传输媒体从最初的同轴电缆发展到现今的双绞线和光缆,实现了以太网系统带宽的快速增长,因此本课题设计将介绍和实践高校以太网建设中可能采用的各种网络技术,为高校校园网的规划设计提供理论依据和实践指导。本文是以XX高校为背景来规划与设计校园网方案。

校园网 拓扑图 Packet tracer 局域网

〔Abstract〕With the development and widespread of the network technology, the construction of the university campus network are facing with new challenges. University network construction is the certain choice and important basic facilities of a university. It also become the necessary circumstance of the university’s teaching development. And it also become the important sign of valuing a university’s research and teaching level. Now, many universities are trying to construct the university network by constructing university campus network, adding more hardware ,changing teaching conditions, and improving teaching and research and management level in order to improve their teaching quality . The construction of the university network must be affordable and advanced, which need to have a good open ability. The network must be suitable for investment , and has the ability to long-term and stable operation of high-performance. Most of the campus network construction today are managed by the Ethernet technology. Transmission media of Ethernet are twisted-pair and fiber optic cable today, which comes from the coaxial cable.It will let the rapidly growth of Ethernet come true. Therefore, this thesis are going to introduce the Ethernet technologies that the university’s campus net will probably use in future. And it will provide the theory and practice instruction to the design of the University campus net. This thesis is based on the xx university’s design programme.


摘 要I



绪 论1


1.1Cisco Packet Tracer简
